Faith—it’s a word we often hear in Christian circles, but what does it truly mean, and why is it so crucial in our walk with God? The Bible tells us that faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6), but what exactly pleases Him about it? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the significance of faith, how it manifests in our lives, and why it’s vital to put our faith into action.

Defining Faith and Pleasing God
Faith holds a position of paramount importance in the journey of Christian living. It is the foundation upon which our relationship with God is built, and it pleases Him when we exercise it. Faith, as described in Hebrews 11:1, is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. It is an unwavering trust in God’s promises, even when circumstances seem unfavorable. Scripture tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Our faith demonstrates our dependency on Him and our willingness to surrender control over our lives, allowing Him to guide and shape our paths.
Reasons God Requires Faith
God requires faith from His children because it deepens our relationship with Him. It strengthens our reliance on His wisdom and provision, teaching us humility and dependence. Additionally, faith allows God to manifest His glory through our lives, serving as a testimony to His faithfulness and love. When we step out in faith, we allow God to showcase His power and accomplish His purposes.

When Faith Meets Action
Faith isn’t passive; it’s dynamic and calls us to action. James 2:17 reminds us that faith without works is dead. We must step out of our comfort zones, trusting that God will equip us for the tasks He sets before us.
One of the most compelling examples of faith in action is found in the story of Joshua and the Israelites. God instructed them to march around the seemingly impenetrable walls of Jericho. By faith, they followed God’s command, and on the seventh day, the walls crumbled (Joshua 6:20). In other words, our faith becomes tangible when we put it into action. So, when does faith come into action in our daily lives?
- Facing Difficult Circumstances: When life throws challenges our way, it’s faith that enables us to trust that God is in control, even when circumstances seem dire.
- Stepping into the Unknown: Faith is required when God calls us out of our comfort zones and into the unknown. It’s that trust that propels us to obey His leading, even when we can’t see the entire path.
- Dreams and Goals: Faith serves as the bridge between our dreams and reality. It empowers us to pursue our God-given dreams and aspirations with unwavering confidence in His provision and guidance.

The Importance of Putting Faith into Action
Putting faith into action is more than just wishful thinking; it is an active demonstration of our belief in God’s promises. By taking tangible steps toward our beliefs, we align ourselves with God’s will and open doors for His intervention. As we embrace the unknown and trust in God’s guidance, we embark on a journey where our dreams are transformed into realities, and God’s purposes are fulfilled through us.
In conclusion, let us remember that faith is not a passive concept but an active force that propels us forward. Let’s recommit ourselves to a life of faith in action in October. Emulate the footsteps of Joshua and the Israelites, trusting God’s guidance and power. May our faith serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around us, bringing transformation and glory to God’s name.
So, let’s take a step of faith today and embrace the power of belief. Watch as God works wonders in your life and the lives of others as you put your faith into action.