Can you think of a time in your life when everything felt shaken?
Maybe unexpected challenges or life-altering events left you feeling unsteady and unsure. It can be difficult to understand God’s plan in these moments, leaving us feeling confused, frustrated, and even scared. But if we look closely, something comforting is hidden within – an unshakable truth that His plan is only for our ultimate good. In this post, we’ll explore what it looks like to trust God’s hand with the removal of what can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken remains. Join us as we explore the wisdom found in God’s word and learn to embrace the unshakable foundation that only He can provide.

The concept of an unshakeable kingdom
The concept of an unshakeable kingdom is paramount in our faith journey. This passage from the book of Hebrews highlights the difference between the voice of God on earth and the voice of God in heaven. The voice of God on earth shook the earth, but the voice of God in heaven promises to shake not only the earth but also heaven. This shaking signifies the removal of those things that can be shaken, which are created, and only those things that cannot be shaken will remain.
As believers, we are called to receive a kingdom that cannot be moved or shaken. We must understand that this kingdom is not of this world but eternal, heavenly, and spiritual. The kingdom of God is unshakeable because it is based on God’s unchanging character and nature. It is a kingdom of love, righteousness, justice, grace, and mercy, and these virtues will never be shaken or destroyed.

The goal of the Shaking
In our faith journey, it is essential to understand that God’s goal for causing a “shaking” is not to harm us but to refine and strengthen us, ultimately leading us closer to His unshakeable truth. When things shake in life, God is trying to remove a hindrance. He’s trying to loosen our grip on the physical things of this world so that we’ll grasp fervently the eternal things instead.
One example of God’s purpose in shaking can be seen in the story of the prodigal son, found in Luke 15:11-32. In this parable, Jesus tells of a son who asks for his inheritance and leaves his father’s house to live a life of reckless indulgence. The young man squanders his wealth on worldly pleasures, experiencing a life of excess and sinful living. However, as the story unfolds, a severe famine strikes the land, and the son finds himself in desperate circumstances, realizing his choices’ temporary and unstable nature.
Amid his hardship, the son comes to his senses and returns to his father’s house, acknowledging his sinfulness. His journey back to the father represents a shaking of the temporal things in his life—his material possessions, sinful lifestyle, and worldly desires. When he reaches his father, filled with humility and repentance, he is met with an outpouring of love and grace. The father embraces his son, clothing him with the finest robe and restoring him to his position as a beloved son. This reconciliation and restoration depict how God desires to shake away the temporal and unstable things in our lives so that we can be rooted in Him, returning to the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.
The story of the prodigal son demonstrates God’s desire to bring us to a place of realization, where we understand the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits and find our true identity and purpose in Him. Through shaking and refining, God calls us back to Himself, inviting us to lay aside the temporal and embrace the eternal—the unshakeable kingdom of God.

How to react during a time of Shaking
In the chaos of life, it’s easy to react to stressful situations negatively. However, we must respond with faith, humility, and reverence to God’s loving and refining work during these times.
Embrace Humility and Repentance: When God shakes our lives to remove a hindrance, the first step is approaching Him with humility and repentance. Acknowledge any areas where you might have fallen short or allowed hindrances to take root in your heart. Confess those areas to God and seek His forgiveness, trusting His unshakable mercy and grace. Like the psalmist in Psalm 51:10 (NIV), pray, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Trust in God’s Goodness and Purpose: As believers, we can have confidence that God’s intentions for shaking our lives are always for our ultimate good. Romans 8:28 (NIV) reminds us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Even when we don’t fully understand the reasons for the shaking, we can trust in God’s wisdom and sovereignty. Lean on His unshakable promises, knowing that He is working all things together for your benefit and growth in Him.
Persevere in Prayer and Seek His Guidance: During times of shaking, staying connected with God through prayer is vital. Seek His guidance and wisdom as you navigate the changes and challenges the shaking may bring. Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV) assures us, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Allow God’s unshakable hand to lead you step by step and surrender your plans and desires to His perfect will.
Stay Grounded in God’s Word: The Bible is our unshakable foundation, providing comfort, guidance, and strength during times of shaking. Make it a priority to spend time in God’s word, meditating on His promises, and letting His truth renew your mind. Psalm 119:105 (NIV) says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” As you study Scripture, you’ll find wisdom and direction to navigate the changes and challenges that come with being shaken.
In conclusion, when we are being “shaken,” we should respond with humility, trust, prayer, and a grounding in His word. Embrace the process, knowing that God’s unshakable love leads you toward growth and a deeper relationship with Him. Surrender to His refining work and allow His unshakable hand to mold you into who He created you to be. Remember, though the shaking may be uncomfortable, it’s for your ultimate good and His glory. Stay steadfast in faith and trust in the unshakable nature of our Heavenly Father. Can you think of a time when you faced a time of “shaking?” How did you react? Comment below.