FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM AND ONE ANOTHER // New Believer Bible Study Lesson

When we became Christians all our sinful ways didn’t just disappear. Everyone sins; we all miss the mark daily. Thankfully, 1 John 1:9 reminds us that when we confess our sins, we have a savior in heaven who understands and is faithful to forgive us.

Historical Background:

The book of 1 John was written by the Apostle John, one of Jesus’ disciples. It was written to a group of churches in Asia Minor facing false teachings about Jesus. In his letter, John encouraged believers to hold fast to the truth of the Gospel and to live in a way that reflected their faith in Christ.

The Message of 1 John 1:9:

“If we confess our sins” Means that we must acknowledge our sinfulness and turn away from it, recognizing that we cannot save ourselves.

“God is faithful and just” Emphasizes that God is true to His promises and He is just in forgiving us when we confess our sins.

“To forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness” Means that when we confess our sins, God forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness, making us right with Him.

As new believers, confessing our sins to Jesus can have several benefits. It helps us maintain a humble and honest approach to our relationship with God. It also allows us to experience freedom and peace from receiving God’s forgiveness and cleansing. Finally, it helps us grow in our faith and dependence on God as we learn to rely on Him for our salvation and sanctification.


A young woman named Rachel had recently come to faith in Jesus Christ and was struggling with guilt and shame from her past. She felt she was unworthy of God’s love and forgiveness. 

One Sunday, Rachel met an older woman at church who had been a Christian for many years. The older woman shared with Rachel the importance of confessing our sins to Jesus and receiving His forgiveness.

The woman told Rachel about a time when she had made a terrible mistake that had hurt someone she loved. She felt consumed by guilt and shame, but she knew that if she confessed her sin to Jesus, He would forgive her. So, she prayed and asked for forgiveness and experienced the freedom and peace that came from being cleansed of her sin.

The older woman’s story inspired Rachel, and she implemented 1 John 1:9 into her own life. She confessed her sins to Jesus and asked for forgiveness, trusting in His promise to cleanse her from all unrighteousness.

As Rachel put this verse into practice, she noticed a change in her heart and her relationship with God. She felt free from the burden of guilt and shame and could experience the joy and peace that come from being forgiven by God. She also found that she was more compassionate toward others struggling with their own sin and could offer them the same hope and encouragement she had received.

Applying His Word to Life:

  • How can you cultivate a habit of confessing your sins to Jesus regularly?
  • What practical ways can you turn away from sin and seek God’s forgiveness?
  • How can you encourage others to embrace a lifestyle of confession and repentance?

Lesson Topic Questions:

  • Why is it important for believers to confess their sins to Jesus?
  • How does confessing our sins impact our relationship with God and others?
  • What common obstacles prevent people from confessing their sins, and how can they be overcome?
  • How can we help one another maintain a lifestyle of confession and repentance?


Get more information and more lessons in the New Believers Bible Study here!

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