How can we approach our work with dedication and service to God? Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us that whatever we do, we should work at it with all our heart as if we are doing it for God and not merely to please our human counterparts. These verses emphasize the importance of doing everything as if we were doing it for God, and in doing so, we can find purpose and fulfillment in our work.
Historical Background:
The book of Colossians was written by the apostle Paul to the church in Colossae, a city in Asia Minor. In his letter, Paul addresses various issues impacting the church, including false teachings and spiritual immaturity.
The Message of Colossians 3:23-24:
Verse 23: “And whatever you do” Means that every task, no matter how big or small, should be approached with the same dedication and effort.
“Do it heartily” Emphasizes the importance of putting our whole selves into our work rather than merely going through the motions.
“As to the Lord” Means that we should view our work as an act of service to God rather than merely serving human masters.
“And Not to Men” Emphasizes that our ultimate allegiance should be to God rather than any earthly authority.
Verse 24: “Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance”
This verse reminds us that our ultimate reward comes from the Lord. As believers in Christ, we have the assurance of an eternal inheritance – the promise of eternal life and a place in God’s kingdom. This inheritance is not earned through our works but is a gift of grace through our faith in Jesus Christ.
“for you serve“: This verse highlights the importance of our service to Christ daily. As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve Him in all we do, whether in our work, relationships, or personal pursuits. Our service to Christ should be motivated by love and gratitude for the salvation and eternal inheritance He has graciously provided.
“the Lord Christ“: Here, the verse emphasizes that Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, is the source of our inheritance and blessings. By acknowledging Jesus as the foundation of our faith, we recognize His divine authority and submit to His lordship over our lives.
As new believers, doing any task heartily as to the Lord can have several benefits. It helps us grow in our relationship with God, knowing that we serve Him in all we do. It also enables us to develop a spirit of excellence, which can help us to succeed in our careers and other areas of life. Finally, it helps us cultivate a heart of humility and service, recognizing that all we have and accomplish is ultimately for God’s glory.
A new believer named John just started a new job as a sales representative. His boss tells him that the company values making sales above all else and encourages him to do whatever it takes to close deals, even if it means being dishonest with customers. John is torn because he wants to succeed in his job, but he also wants to be true to his Christian values.
John decided to approach his work with integrity and view it as a service to God, as Colossians 3:23-24 instructs. He understood that his ultimate allegiance should be to God and not to any earthly authority. He recognized that as a sales representative, he had the opportunity to serve his customers by providing them with honest information about the product, and he could trust that God would provide for him even if he did not make as many sales as his colleagues.
In the end, John found peace knowing that he was doing what was right in God’s eyes and could succeed in his job without compromising his values.
Applying His Word to Life:
- How can you approach your work with the same dedication and effort, regardless of the task?
- What are some practical ways you can view your work as an act of service to God rather than merely serving human masters?
- How can you cultivate a spirit of excellence in all that you do?
Lesson Topic Questions:
- Why is it important for believers to do any task heartily as to the Lord?
- How does dedicating our work to God impact our relationship with Him and with others?
- What are some common obstacles that prevent people from approaching their work as an act of service to God, and how can they be overcome?
- How can we help one another cultivate a heart of humility and service in our work and daily lives?
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